How much does Answerr Cost

We offer a free plan that allows you limited access to our selected cutting edge AI model.

We also offer Answerr Pro plan which provide unlimited access to all cutting edge models(Claude, Open AI, Llama).

Payment methods that we accept

  • Credit and debit cards (Visa, Master Card and AMEX)
  • Google and Apple Pay

Can I pause my subscription?

You cannot pause your subscription. If you are unable to make a payment, you can cancel your subscription and restart it when convenient.

What happens if I don’t renew my subscription?

If you don’t renew your subscription, your account will revert to the free version after the current billing cycle ends, and you will no longer have access to Pro features.

Can I cancel my subscription any time?

Yes. Your account will be reverted back to the free version after the end of the current billing cycle.

Is it possible to reactivate my subscription after canceling?

Yes. To reactivate your subscription, go to the home page and selected Try Answerr Pro which will redirect you to the plan page. You can re-purchase the plan.

I’ve cancelled my subscription, but I’m still being charged. What can I do?

Please double check you’ve cancelled your subscription. You can reach out to us at

Account termination

If your account is terminated for violating Answerr’s Terms of Use, you will not receive a refund for any remaining credit or prepaid service.

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